Frankly Speaking #7: Chaos!
At this time in my career, one would think chaos would not be the word that comes up as often as it does. But… it does. Although the saying is, “It is the calm before the storm”, I am hoping that my current journey is “The storm before the calm”.
The entertainment industry seems to have many facets, many! The creative element is why I first got into it, but boy, does that have many meanings. Like politics, normal day to day business and hard work. No different from most fields, who would have known. It’s not what it’s all cracked up to be. But, don’t get me wrong, I love it just as much now as when I started in this field many years ago. It’s just a little different now. More serious and more like a job. But, with that said… more opportunities and more choices. You have to take the good with the bad. It’s the way of the world, it’s the way of the entertainment business for sure.
My first glance at the business were shows and films in which I combed the set and watched the directors and producers do their thing. I said “I can do that, this seems easy enough”. Well, at first it may have felt that way, but I had some news coming to me.
Chaotic days and chaotic projects are not what I had ever expected. Always know that there are many surprises in the field of entertainment, can’t get away from it. That is why I have always been known for working hard and playing just as hard. My type of play has been travel, leisure, food, family and friends. You have to let go during the crazy times, it’s a must! Trust that all the memories will be worth it. No matter good or tough.
When I think about all the things that I want out of this business and all things I have or have not gotten out of it thus far, I get tired. My formula is to continue to reinvent myself as I grow my company and my sights. I want bigger and better things (projects) such as projects that mean something to me and others. That seems to be the trick to stay out of the chaos and the trick for a more powerful tomorrow in an industry I want to continue to respect.
Always know that there are going to be challenges, but also know that there is often a light at the end of the tunnel. It’s important to keep your eye on your initial interest and stay in tune with what you believe in, and remember why you got into the “biz” in the first place. It’s a great business which is filled with opportunity. Always work hard, stay away from the politics and continue to believe in important content.
Note to self: Stay out of the chaos!